“A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.”


One of my favorite quotes by John A. Shedd

Have you ever had a goal or a dream that seemed so scary and unrealistic that you just filed it away as impossible?

Perhaps you don’t feel good enough or smart enough to accomplish it. Or maybe you don’t feel like you deserve it. Maybe (like so many of us) you are influenced by the weight of your to do list, and it seems too long to allow yourself to have focus on anything else. I would challenge you to reevaluate the things that you tell yourself that hold you back. We all have inner thoughts that play like a reel in our heads. Negative thinking patterns. The thoughts that you tell yourself when the day is over, the words that you call yourself that you would never say out loud.

Leaving your safe harbor is hard, the unknown can be scary. Imagine that you succeeded, picture that you arrived at your destination … What would it feel like to be on the other end of your adventure looking back on your journey?

Let me ask you this, if a friend came to you sharing their goals and dreams with you how would you respond to them? Would you tell them that they will never succeed? Would you say that they are ridiculous for even dreaming or trying? I am guessing that you would be encouraging and supportive, lending an ear and maybe even a helping hand. You might tell them that they are capable of achieving their goals and working towards their dreams.

Challenge: I challenge you to give yourself the same encouragement and support that you would offer to a friend.

Tips for success when you are ready to ‘leave your harbor’ :

• SET YOUR GOALS – How are you supposed to get to your destination if you never set one? It is crucial to know where you are going before you set sail. Take some time to create a vision board or a goal timeline.
• NAME YOUR NEGATIVE THINKING PATTERNS – What are you telling yourself that is keeping you from making moves towards your dreams? Work with a therapist or commit to engaging in your own personal reflection to explore your negative thinking patterns.
• CHALLENGE YOUR THOUGHTS – Is there any credibility to your negative thinking patterns? Perhaps your negative thinking pattern is that whenever you are faced with a task you immediately believe that you will fail. Challenge that. My guess is that you have some success stories in your past that showcase you not failing. Use those to propel you forward.
• ENCOURAGE YOURSELF – Personal affirmations, notecards taped to your mirror … whatever you have to do, do it! Nobody is going to buy what you are selling unless you believe in the product yourself!! Try this, every time you envision your goal say to yourself ‘I can do this, I am able’.