The Three C’s to a Healthy Relationship

You may be asking yourself what does cooperation have to do with relationships when you have to compromise? While cooperation involves effective problem solving skills, you also have to be able to effectively problem solve difficult and even easy decisions with others in all avenues of life. Cooperation is the final piece We are surrounded by relationships every day whether they are intimate, work, friendships etc. Relationships in any avenue can be hard, however, there are three things to keep in mind to help cultivate a healthy, well-balanced relationship with anyone in our lives.


How many times do you feel your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, or boss should know what you’re feeling?  It happens more often than you know.  The reality is that if the words have not been articulated from your mouth to the intended party, you have to know that your feelings have not been transferred.  As you’ve probably heard before, communication is probably the most important of all for a healthy relationship, especially in matters of love between a male and female.  Men are wired to think with logic while women are wired to think with emotion 99% of the time.  With this dynamic, there has to be a shift for men to cater to their feelings as well as their mate’s.  This is vice versa for women.  Many times there are so many misconceptions and misunderstandings that could have been avoided with just basic communication.  Does your employer know you have aspirations do more in your career and move up in the company?  If this has not been communicated, you are doing yourself a disservice. Communication will always be the most vital piece of the puzzle for successful agreements and relationships.


Have you ever been told to choose your battles carefully?  This also works the same in relationships.  Any relationship will be based on a little give and take.   Being able to compromise can be the difference in having great relationship with others or being alone.  Having a selfish mind-set will hinder you from being successful in this area of a relationship.   While the relationship is about you and your happiness, it’s not always about you when you have to consider others. If you are with a partner or have a friend that does not ever want to compromise with you, then there may be compatibility issues.  If there is equal give and take, then choose your battles wisely for the sake of a healthy relationship.


You may be asking yourself what does cooperation have to do with relationships when you have to compromise? While cooperation involves effective problem solving skills, you also have to be able to effectively problem solve difficult and even easy decisions with others in all avenues of life. Cooperation is the final piece to this puzzle, as you need to have healthy communication as well as compromise in order to have a cooperative relationship with someone else.

Whether you are in a relationship or not, the ability to think about and engage in ‘the thee Cs’ can improve the potential for enjoying and experiencing healthy relationships with everyone.